Activities and support for young people Da Base
We aim to work with children and young people to create activities and programmes that are exciting, interesting, supportive and educational. We aim to be open for young people every weekday from 3.30 until 9.30. At the moment we run the following sessions:
During term-time we are open 3.30-5.30 Monday to Thursday aged 8-12 year olds.
Mondays EaseYchoices Peer Education Project Funded by The Children’s Fund
Group-work activities looking at relevant issues and developing articles and
Posters, researching the internet.
Tuesdays EaseYchoices Peer Education Project Funded by The Children’s Fund
Group-work activities looking at relevant issues, learning how to create
leaflets and poster on the computer
Wednesdays Art Project £1 Run by volunteers part funded by Help a London Child
Art and craft activities, internet access and graphics , help with homework
Thursdays (from April) Homework Club 50p part funded by Help a London Child
Literacy and Numeracy Activities and Computer Games
Coming soon! The Massage in Schools Programme enables children to improve their behaviour and coping skills, increase confidence and concentration and is fun. Our children will be getting involved in the programme every Monday very soon!
The Young People have developed a tuck shop with affordable snacks and drinks including toasted sandwiches, hotdogs, milkshakes and they hope to be able to make fresh fruit juices soon!
Thursdays 6-7.30pm DANCE GROUP
Our young people have developed dances and performed in showcases. They performed with LOC (Ring Ding Ding Crazy Frog) at last year’s Multi Cutural event on Copley Close. They will be performing their latest routine at the Copley Close Open Day (on the 25th March 2006 1-4pm)
The young people have total control on this one, they develop the ideas, choose the music and run the session. We are simply there to support and guide.
Do you want to share your moves or learn some new ones. Come down on Thursdays 6-7.30 £1
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